Resource Adequacy ("RA")
R. 21-10-002
June 24, 2021

Commission Adopted the Revised PD on Track 3B.1 and 4 Issues

D. 21-06-029 includes clarification that the proposed tiered System RA penalty structure would only apply to month-ahead deficiencies and those accrued points would expire 24 months after the violation.

The initial PD adopted a point and tier penalty structure for system RA deficiencies, which is structured as follows:

see Ordering Paragraph 16 of the Revised PD.

In response to CalCCA’s comments, the ALJ revised the PD to include the following clarifications to the system RA penalty structure:

  • LSEs will only accrue points for month ahead deficiencies.
  • Accrued points will expire 24 months after the violation rather than 24 consecutive months after any deficiency, as initially proposed.
  • The POLR will not accrue points for a deficiency caused by unexpected load returns for which a system RA waiver is granted.
  • Multiplication of penalty prices is based on total points accumulated.
Update Links
D. 21-06-029Revised PD (REDLINE)

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San Diego, CA 92101