Resource Adequacy ("RA")
R. 21-10-002
May 20, 2022

ALJ Issues Proposed Decision for Local and Flexible Capacity Obligations

On May 20, 2022, the California Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") issues a Proposed Decision ("PD") adopting Local capacity Resource Adequacy ("RA") requirements for 2023-2025, Flexible Capacity Requirements for 2023, refinements to the RA program, and Southern California Edison Company's 24-hour slice Reform Track framework. The Proposed Decision also creates a Reform Track Phase 2 Schedule.

Reform Track Phase 2 Schedule
  • July – October 2022: Workstreams 1 – 3 to resolve remaining implementation details and methodologies
  • November 15, 2022: Final proposals from Workstreams 1 – 3 filed and served 
  • December 1, 2022: Opening comments on final proposals
  • December 12, 2022: Reply comments on final proposals
  • First Quarter of 2023: Proposed decision on Reform Track Phase 2

2023-2025 Local Capacity RA Requirements

Each year, the CAISO releases a Local Capacity Technical Report with recommendations for Local Capacity Requirements (“LCR”) for the following year. LCR is the amount of resource capacity that is needed within a Local Capacity Area to reliably serve the load located within this area.

The CPUC adopts local capacity RA requirements based off the CAISO report. The Local RA requirements are adopted for a three-year duration and are updated each year after reviewing and approving the CAISO report.

2023 Flexible Capacity Requirements

Flexible Capacity is the quantity of resources needed by the CAISO to manage grid reliability during the greatest three-hour continuous ramp in each month. Resources will be considered as "flexible capacity" if they can sustain or increase output, or reduce ramping needs, during the hours of "flexible need."

Update Links
Proposed Decision (5/20/2022)2023 CAISO Local Capacity Technical Study

Client Resources

Land Use




845 15th Street, Suite 103
San Diego, CA 92101