Resource Adequacy ("RA")
R. 21-10-002
April 17, 2023

CalCCA Issues Comments on Draft Resolution E-5258

On April 17, 2023, California Community Choice Association ("CalCCA") issued comments on Draft Resolution E-5258, Effective Dates for the Expansions of Community Choice Aggregators ("CCAs"): Central Coast Community Energy ("CCCE") and East Bay Community Energy ("EBCE") ("Draft Resolution"). The Draft Resolution indefinitely suspends the already-certified amended implementation plans of CCCE and EBCE to expand their current service. CalCCA argues that the Draft Resolution's true aim is to punish CCCE and EBCE for past Resource Adequacy ("RA") program deficiencies. CalCCA's comments identify a number of problems with the Draft Resolution, including that it prematurely adopts and enforces an Energy Division staff RA enforcement proposal pending consideration in R.20-10-002, encourages the Commission to exceed its limited statutory authority over CCAs by delaying indefinitely the launch of EBCE and CCCE expansions and misapplying statutory authority governing cost recovery and RA enforcement, and fails to connect the dots between the CCAs’ RA deficiencies and the cost shift to bundled customers.

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San Diego, CA 92101