Power Charge Indifference Adjustment ("PCIA")
R. 17-06-026
June 23, 2021

CCA Parties Filed an Application for Rehearing of the PCIA Portfolio Optimization Decision

CalCCA, along with several other CCA programs jointly filed an application for rehearing of D. 21-05-030. The CCA parties argue that the Commission's rejection of the RA VAMO and GHG-Free Energy allocation constitutes legal error and request a rehearing of the decision.

The CCA Parties argue that the Phase 2 Decision:

  • Fails to proceed in the manner required by law, as required by Public Utilities Code Sections 1757(a)(2), 366.2(g), and 365.2, by failing to provide unbundled customers the full benefits of system and flexible RA in the investor-owned utilities (IOUs’) PCIA portfolios;
  • Fails to meet the requirement of Section 1757(a)(4) by rejecting the RA VAMO without substantial evidence in light of the whole record;
  • Fails to proceed in the manner required by law, as required by Public Utilities Code Sections 1757(a)(2), 366.2(g) and 365.2, by failing to provide unbundled customers the full benefits of GHG-Free energy in the IOUs’ PCIA portfolios;
  • Fails to meet the requirement of Section 1757(a)(4) by rejecting the GHG-Free Energy allocation by ignoring substantial evidence in light of the whole record of the value of this product to unbundled customers;
  • Abuses its discretion contrary to Section 1757(a)(5) by encouraging a collaborative Phase 2 working group process but ignoring the collaborative work product; and
  • Violates the due process rights of stakeholders who relied to their detriment on the Commission’s directive to create consensus proposals based on working group discussion and analysis.
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Rehearing RequestD. 21-05-030

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San Diego, CA 92101