Resource Adequacy ("RA")
R. 21-10-002
July 15, 2021

Commission Adopted Revised PD on Track 3B.2 Issues Concerning the Restructuring of the RA Program

D. 21-07-014 sets forth the process and schedule for further development of PG&E’s slice-of day proposal through a series of workshops to be held over the next six months. The final proposed framework must be submitted in February 2022. The Commission intends to issue a decision in the third quarter of 2022 with details for implementation in 2023 for the 2024 RA compliance year.

Slice-of-Day Proposal

The slice-of-day proposal seeks to ensure load is met in all hours of the day, rather than just during gross peak demand hours and to ensure there is sufficient energy on the system to charge energy storage resources.

PG&E proposes that system requirements be determined for each slice-of-day based on the maximum level of demand for the particular slice-of-day for the season. PG&E lays out two potential periods for the duration of the slice-of-day: six four-hour slices or four six-hour slices. To avoid administrative burdens associated with slice-of-day requirements for each month, PG&E recommends moving from a monthly RA obligation to a seasonal obligation.


D. 21-07-014 orders parties to hold a minimum of five workshops over the next six months to develop a final RA program framework. The workshops should cover the following implementation details:

  1. Structural Elements;
  2. Resource Counting;
  3. Need Determination and Allocation;
  4. Hedging Component; and
  5. Unforced Capacity Evaluation (UCAP) and Multi-Year Requirement Proposals.

The Commission recommends that the parties that submitted Track 3B.2 restructuring proposals (CalCCA, PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E)facilitate the workshops, individually or jointly.

At the conclusion of the workshops, an identified party/parties shall prepare and submit a Workshop Report that provides the final proposed framework (identifying consensus and non-consensus items) and discuss how the final proposal addresses the implementation details and the key principles. The Workshop Report shall be filed and served in the RA proceeding in February 2022.

Within 30 days of the effective date of D. 21-07-014, parties are required to reach agreement and inform the Commission (with service to the service list) of the following:

  1. the date for the first workshop and placeholder dates for at least two subsequent workshops;
  2. the scope of issues for each workshop;
  3. identified party(ies) to facilitate each workshop; and
  4. identified party(ies) to prepare and submit the Workshop Report to the Commission.

The Commission will consider the final proposed framework and intends to issue a decision in the third quarter of 2022 with details for implementation in 2023 for the 2024 RA compliance year.

Update Links
D. 21-0-014PG&E Slice-of-Day Proposal

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845 15th Street, Suite 103
San Diego, CA 92101