Power Charge Indifference Adjustment ("PCIA")
R. 17-06-026
March 10, 2021

Draft Resolution Approving PCIA Line Item on Bundled Customer Bills

Draft Resolution E-5131 would approve with modifications SDG&E AL 3600-E modifying SDGE's customer bill and Cost Responsibility Surcharge ("CRS") Tariff to provide information about the PCIA charge. The Draft Resolution is scheduled to be considered at the April 15 Commission voting meeting. If approved, the changes would need be implemented at the end of 2021.

In D. 20-03-019, the Commission ordered the IOUs to modify customer bills to include a line item showing the amount of PCIA that is included in the generation charge. Accordingly, the IOUs each submitted separate advice letters containing the same joint proposal. SDG&E's proposal was submitted in AL 3600-E. The Draft Resolution approves the three Advice Letters with a modification to the Tariff revision.

Bill Revision

The DR proposes to approve SDG&E proposed modification to the "breakdown of current charges or details" section of its customer bills to include the generation charge. See below for a sample SDG&E customer bill reflecting the change:

Tariff Revisions

The Draft Resolution requires the IOUs to include the following uniform language on their respective CRS Tariffs:

The PCIA is a charge to ensure that both [utility] customers and those who have left [utility] service to purchase electricity from other providers pay the above market costs for generation resources that were procured by [utility] on their behalf. “Above market” refers to expenditures for electric generation resources that cannot be fully recovered through sales of these resources at current market prices.
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Draft Resolution E-5131

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San Diego, CA 92101