SDG&E ERRA Forecast 2021 (Closed)
A. 20-04-014
August 19, 2020

E-Mail Ruling regarding Evidentiary Hearings and Setting of Telephonic Status Conference.

Evidentiary hearings that were originally scheduled for August 25-27 have been vacated to give parties additional time to discuss and resolve outstanding issues. A status conference will be held on September 4 to discuss whether evidentiary hearings are required.

ALJ issued an e-mail ruling directing parties to make all reasonable efforts to meet and confer to attempt to resolve all material issues of disputed fact by September 1, 2020.

By September 1, 2020, each party shall separately file a report stating either that the party (1) does not contend that there are material issues of disputed fact or (2) contends that there are material issues of disputed fact, in which case the party shall identify each material issue of disputed fact, describe in detail the substance of the dispute, identify each witness to testify regarding each material issue of disputed fact, and state the amount of time for cross-examination of each witness.

The ruling also scheduled a status conference for September 4 to discuss whether evidentiary hearings will be required and whether the proceeding schedule will require modification.

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845 15th Street, Suite 103
San Diego, CA 92101