Resource Adequacy ("RA")
R. 21-10-002
January 31, 2022

Energy Division Approved SDCP’s 2022 Local RA Waiver

Energy Division issued a disposition letter approving SDCP’s request for relief from its local procurement obligation and any penalties associated with this obligation. The disposition letter finds that SDCP demonstrated that it pursued all commercially reasonable efforts in procuring local capacity to meet its local RA obligations in the deficient local areas.

On November 1, 2021, San Diego Community Power (SDCP) filed a waiver request via Advice Letter 5-E for its 2022 year-ahead local Resource Adequacy (RA) requirement in certain local areas.

Energy Division reviewed SDCP’s 2022 year-ahead local compliance filing and SDCP’s actions to procure local RA resources to meet the local RA requirements of the applicable local areas, and found them reasonable considering the capacity available to meet SDCP’s local RA obligation. In this case, Energy Division found that SDCP held solicitations and pursued all commercially reasonable efforts to acquire the resources needed to meet the LSE’s local procurement obligation. SDCP’s waiver request includes confidential market-sensitive information supporting this finding.

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ED Disposition Letter Approving SDCP AL 5-ESDCP AL 5-E

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San Diego, CA 92101