Power Charge Indifference Adjustment ("PCIA")
R. 17-06-026
July 8, 2021

Parties Filed Responses in Opposition to the CCAs’ Application for Rehearing of the PCIA WG 3 Decision

The three IOUs and the Coalition of California Utility Employees (“CUE”) all filed responses opposing the CCA Parties’ Application for Rehearing of Decision (“D.”) 21-05-030. Overall, the responding parties support the Commission’s decision to reject the RA Voluntary Allocation Mechanism (“VAMO”) and GHG-Free Allocation mechanism proposed in the Working Group 3 Report and reject the CCA Parties’ claim that the Commission’s decision constitutes legal error.

Under Rule 16.1, a party filing an application for rehearing (“AFR”) must set forth the specific grounds on which the applicant considers an order or decision to be unlawful or erroneous. SDG&E, PGE, SCE and CUE filed individual responses opposing the AFR on the grounds that the CCA Parties failed to identify any legal error in the Decision.

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SDG&E ResponseSCE ResponsePG&E Response

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San Diego, CA 92101