Resource Adequacy ("RA")
R. 21-10-002
August 16, 2021

Structure and Logistics for RA Framework Workshops

The co-facilitators of the RA workshops submitted the proposed dates, scope, and structure for the upcoming workshops to develop an RA program based on PG&E's slice-of-day proposal. The co-facilitators propose a total of 9 half-day workshops to be held every two weeks from September through January. The scope includes consideration of structural elements, resource counting, need determination, hedging, and UCAP.

D .21-07-014 directed Parties to undertake a minimum of five workshops over six months to develop implementation details based on PG&E's slice-of-day proposal. At the conclusion of the workshops, the Workshop Report will be filed by February 2022.

The following issues will be addressed in the report:

  • Areas of consensus and non-consensus
  • How the five principles identified in D.21-07-014 are addressed
  • How implementation details are addressed

The Co-facilitators developed the following logistics to conduct the RA workshops:

Workshop Dates and Scope

Overall structure: designed to be half-day workshops held every two weeks on the same day of the week(Wednesdays for the dates below); 5 hours from 10:00 – 3:00 with a lunch break.

1.       9/22: Structural Elements

2.       10/6: Structural Elements

3.       10/20: Resource Counting

4.       11/3: Resource Counting

5.       11/17: Need Determination and Allocation

6.       12/1: Need Determination and Allocation

7.       12/15: Recap on Slice-of-Day

8.       1/5: Hedging Component

9.       1/19: UCAP and Multi-year

Other scope considerations:
  • Identification of problem statement in the first workshop
  • Consideration of guiding principles in each workshop
  • Integration discussion at the end of each workshop
  • Transactability
  • Multi-day reliability
  • Compliance penalties and backstop procurement
  • Recent IRP directives and coordination with other proceedings like IRP and RPS
  • Coordination on LOLE work in the IRP

Workshop Structure

Several parties volunteered to facilitate one or more workshops.  The following is based on stated preferences and an effort to not have parties facilitate workshops at which they are likely to be presenting material.  Subject matter presenters will put together materials, while facilitators will be tasked with facilitating in a neutral way.

Parties to Prepare and Submit Workshop Report

Facilitators of the workshops will draft their section of the report, based on notes taken at the workshop. Overall leads for compiling the sections into a final report will be IEP and PG&E.  Organizations that have offered to support this final report development include: WPTF and CEERT.

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845 15th Street, Suite 103
San Diego, CA 92101