SDG&E Sales Forecast 2022
A. 21-08-010
September 24, 2021

ALJ Set Proceeding Schedule and Scope

The scope of the proceeding will consider whether SDG&E's 2022 sales forecast, its methodology for deriving the forecast, and the impact of the forecast on rates, is reasonable and should be approved. The Commission will also consider whether future sales forecasts should be included in SDG&E's annual ERRA forecast applications. The Commission seeks to conclude the proceeding by Jan. 1, 2022.

The issues to be determined are:

1. Whether SDG&E’s electric sales forecast for 2022, including for each of its customer classes, is reasonable and should be approved.

2. Whether SDG&E’s methodology for deriving its 2022 electric sales forecast, including for each of its customer classes, is reasonable and should be approved.

3. Whether the impact of the 2022 electric sales forecast creates rates that are just and reasonable per Public Utilities Code Section 451.

4. Whether the Commission should adopt SDG&E’s request to combine future annual electric sales forecast applications with its annual ERRA forecast applications.

To avoid a conflict in outcomes between this proceeding and R.17-06-026, the filing date for future SDG&E ERRA forecast applications will not be addressed in this proceeding. However, this proceeding will examine whether future SDG&E sales forecast applications should be combined with future ERRA forecast applications.

In the interest of resolving this proceeding prior to January 1, 2022, the Commission set the following schedule:

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845 15th Street, Suite 103
San Diego, CA 92101