Power Charge Indifference Adjustment ("PCIA")
R. 17-06-026
June 30, 2022

CalCCA Comments on PCIA Proposed Decision

California Community Choice Association ("CalCCA") commented on the Public Utilities Commission's ("Commission") June 10, 2022 proposed decision ("PD"). This item may be heard, at the earliest, at the Commission’s July 14, 2022 Business Meeting.

Summary of Recommendations:

  • To prevent evidentiary disputes in future Energy Resource Recovery Account ("ERRA") Forecast proceedings, the Commission should adopt the conclusion in the PD that the timeframe for data access within ERRA proceedings is for a minimum of eight months during the pendency of the proceeding; 
  • If the Commission adopts the PD’s proposed framework for year-round data access for the purposes of long-term power charge indifference adjustment ("PCIA") forecasting (instead of ’CalCCA’s proposed Non-Disclosure Agreement approach), any participation by community choice aggregators ("CCAs") in such process should be voluntary (i.e., CalCCA and/or individual CCAs may choose not to participate and to instead rely on publicly available data for long-term PCIA forecasting); 
  • The Commission should adopt the PD’s exclusion of Voluntary Allocations from the calculation of the market price benchmark ("MPB").
Update Links
CalCCA's Comments on PD
R. 17-06-026

CPUC Issues Proposed Decision on PCIA Methodology and Data Access


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