Gas System Planning
R. 20-01-007
January 10, 2022

Commission Set Scope and Schedule of Track 2 Issues

Track 2 of the proceeding is dedicated to developing the Commission’s long-term planning strategy for gas infrastructure. The Scoping Memo divides Track 2 of the proceeding into three sub-tracks: Track 2a will address gas infrastructure; Track 2b will address equity, rate design, revenues, safety, and workforce issues; and Track 2c will address data needed to assess strategy and process. The Commission will hold a series of workshops to address the issues in each track, and rely on stakeholder input to develop its long-term planning strategy.

Scope of Issues

Track 2a: Gas Infrastructure

  • How should the Commission determine the appropriate gas infrastructure portfolio for gas utilities that operate in California given the state’s greenhouse gas reduction laws and the utilities’ statutory obligation to serve customers within their service territories?

Track 2b: Equity, Rate Design, Gas Revenues, Safety, and Workforce Issues

  • What structural, policy, economic, accessibility, and other barriers are faced by low-income customers and disadvantaged communities related to the transition away from gas? What actions, if any, should the Commission take to address such barriers?
  • The Commission may consider the need for pilots to evaluate how best to eliminate and address the unique barriers faced by low-income and disadvantaged communities related to the transition away from gas in this sub-track.
  • What factors should the Commission consider when balancing the need for pipeline safety with the need to avoid spending that will burden future gas ratepayers?
  • What factors should the Commission consider when balancing the need for pipeline safety with the need to avoid spending that will burden future gas ratepayers?

Track 2c: Data; Process

  • What data is needed from the utilities to assist the Commission and stakeholders in long-term gas system planning?
  • What data inputs and outputs should the Commission require the utilities to integrate into their gas demand forecasts for each customer class on the gas utilities’ backbone, local transmission, and distribution systems?
  • Should the Commission require gas utilities to submit a decarbonization and reliability plan that includes how the utility would address the elements listed below? Should the plans address any additional elements?

Update Links
Scoping Memo and Ruling

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Land Use




845 15th Street, Suite 103
San Diego, CA 92101