R. 20-01-007

Gas System Planning

To ensure safe and reliable natural gas service at just and reasonable rates in California, the Commission will:

(1) develop and adopt updated reliability standards that reflect the current and prospective operational challenges to gas system operators;

(2) determine the regulatory changes necessary to improve the coordination between gas utilities and gas-fired electric generators; and

(3) implement a long-term planning strategy to manage the state’s transition away from natural gas-fueled technologies to meet California’s decarbonization goals.

Track 1A of this proceeding addresses reliability standards that reflect the current and prospective operational challenges that face gas system operators.

Track 1B addresses market structure and regulation.

Track 2 of this proceeding develops and implements a long-term planning strategy. It is divided into the three sub-tracks (Tracks 2a, 2b, and 2c)

January 10, 2022

Commission Set Scope and Schedule of Track 2 Issues


Resource Adequacy ("RA")

Resource Adequacy is the process by which LSEs procure a guarantee of energy delivery to ensure all electricity needs are met.


Microgrids and Resliency Strategies

The development of streamlined processes and tariffs to facilitate the commercialization of microgrids for community and grid resiliency.


Client Resources

Land Use




845 15th Street, Suite 103
San Diego, CA 92101