Renewable Portfolio Standard ("RPS")
R. 18-07-003
May 31, 2022

CPUC Hosts Webinar on 2022 RPS Procurement Plan Templates and Filing Requirements

The May 31, 2022 Webinar clarified refinements to the 2022 Renewable Portfolio Standards ("RPS") Procurement Plan and Voluntary Allocation and Market Offer ("VAMO"). It also described the changes to the RPS Plan Templates and provided submission instructions and a procedural schedule.

Refinements to the 2022 RPS Plans

  • SB 255 (Bradford 2019) and D. 22-04-035 revise the Commission's Supplier Diversity Program
  • D. 22-02-004 revises Portfolio supply and demand assessment
  • Project development and status updates should be more detailed
  • Retail sellers should discuss the potential impact of compliance delays
  • Retail sellers should describe how minimizing compliance risk and project delays informs their long-term procurement planning decisions
  • Retail sellers' portfolio assessments shall include long-term and short-term contracts through 2032 and RPS-eligible procurement that has or will occur outside the program
  • Retail sellers should describe contract terms intended to reduce curtailment
  • Retail sellers should update their draft RPS plans to align with their IRPs

The updated templates are available on the CPUC RPS Utility Scale Request for Offer ("RFO") Website.

Update Links
2022 RPS Webinar Slides

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845 15th Street, Suite 103
San Diego, CA 92101