SDG&E Sales Forecast 2022
A. 21-08-010
March 23, 2022

Final Decision Adopting 2022 Electric Sales Forecast

D. 22-03-003 generally adopts the Proposed decision adopting SDG&E's 2022 Sales Forecast and combining future sales forecast applications with future ERRA forecast applications. SDG&E must file a Tier 1 Advice Letter within 60 days of the decision.

In addition to combining the future ERRA and sales forecast applications, this decision:

  • Adopts the sales forecast proposed by Cal Advocates which includes pandemic-related impacts;
  • In response to SDG&E’s claims that changes to its forecasts would take four months to implement, directs SDG&E to work with parties and stakeholders by April 15 to consider modifications to its sales forecast implementation process; and
  • Directs SDG&E to hold an annual all-party workshop no later than March 31 of each year in preparation of filing its annual sales forecast with the Commission.

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D. 22-03-003

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San Diego, CA 92101