SDG&E ERRA Forecast 2022
A. 21-04-010
June 24, 2021

Motion to Compel Discovery in ERRA Forecast Proceeding Denied

The ALJ in SDG&E’s 2022 ERRA forecast proceeding issued an E-Mail Ruling denying SDCP’s and CEA’s Joint Motion to Compel Discovery. The Ruling also denies the CCAs' request to submit a reply to SDG&E’s response.

From the Ruling:

On June 16, 2021, the San Diego Community Power and Clean Energy Alliance (Alliance) filed a motion to compel discovery.  San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) responded to the motion on June 23,2021.  The Alliance seeks what it described as workpapers to show the derivation of certain Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) rates. As shown by SDG&E in its response, and as is clear in the application, these rates are already in effect and were adopted by the Commission in prior closed proceedings.   The Alliance has already sought leave to reply to SDG&E’s response, which is not an automatic allowance in the Commission’s rules. 
 The request by the Alliance for leave to reply to SDG&E’s response is denied. 
 The Motion to Compel Discovery is denied.  Alliance has not shown that its request for workpapers is relevant or necessary for this proceeding.

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San Diego, CA 92101