SDG&E Sales Forecast 2022
A. 21-08-010
January 27, 2022

Proposed Decision Approving SDG&E’s 2022 Sales Forecast

The Proposed Decision (“PD”) approves SDG&E’s 2022 electric sales forecast, which is based on the demand forecast that SDG&E developed for the California Energy Commission’s 2021 energy demand forecast, and takes into account Covid impacts and load migration to CCA and DA programs. The PD also authorizes SDG&E to consolidate its future annual forecast applications with its annual ERRA forecast applications. Prior to filing the consolidated applications, SDG&E is required to hold an annual all-party workshop to gather input and feedback from stakeholders. The PD is scheduled to be heard at the March 17 Voting Meeting.

The PD requires SDG&E to file a Tier 2 advice letter to implement the approved 2022 Electric Sales Forecast within 30 days of approval.

If the implementation of the 2022 Electric Sales Forecast will take four months or longer, SDG&E shall work with Energy Division to determine an appropriate effective date for the 2022 Electric Sales Forecast.

  • SDG&E shall use the sales forecast SDG&E developed and submitted to the California Energy Commission (CEC) for CEC’s 2021 California Energy Demand Forecast as the basis of its 2022 Electric Sales Forecast and shall also factor into the forecast the expected load departures to Community Choice Aggregators and direct access programs in 2022.
  • SDG&E shall use the System Average Percent Change methodology when implementing the 2022 Electric Sales Forecast.

San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) is directed to, after coordination with the stakeholders, propose a detailed plan on how to address the delays of implementing modifications to its sales forecasts in its consolidated 2023 Sales Forecast and Energy Resource Recovery Account Forecast application. The plan shall aim to provide solutions, such as modifications to its existing methodology or a new process or rate model for implementing its sales forecast, such that there is sufficient time for the Commission to consider alternative sales forecast proposals and for SDG&E to implement any alternative proposal in a timely manner, such as by January 1 of the forecasted year.

San Diego Gas & Electric Company shall file itssubsequent annual Sales Forecast applications with its annual Energy ResourceRecovery Account Forecast applications.

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Proposed Decision Adopting SDG&E's 2022 Sales Forecast

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San Diego, CA 92101