Renewable Portfolio Standard ("RPS")
R. 18-07-003
June 9, 2021

Opening Comments on ALJ Ruling Questions re: ReMAT Program

Opening comments filed addressing the April 22, 2021 ALJ Ruling seeking updated information regarding the Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff (ReMAT) Program.

The following is a brief snapshot of comments:


  • Allow retail providers access to the ReMAT program since their customers also pay its costs.
  • Fair cost and benefit allocation must be ensured to prevent cost shifting.

Joint IOUs

  • CPUC should maintain the current allocations and not reassign as-available non-peaking or baseload categories allocations to the as-available peaking category.
  • Non-IOU retail sellers are not eligible to participate in ReMAT as buyers under the current statutory framework.
  • SDG&E requests that the ReMAT closure rules remain unchanged and is against any expansion or extension of the ReMAT program.

Cal Advocates

  • The Commission should not modify the ReMAT program at this time.
  • The Commission cannot allow Non-Investor-Owned Utility (IOU) Load Serving Entities (LSEs) to participate in the ReMAT program due to statutory limitations.
  • The Commission should not require the IOUs to pay resources differently based on time-of-delivery (TOD).
  • The Commission should not allow eligible renewable energy resources paired with energy storage to be eligible under ReMAT at this time.
Update Links
CalCCA ResponseJoint IOU's ReponseCal Advocates' Reponse

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845 15th Street, Suite 103
San Diego, CA 92101