Renewable Portfolio Standard ("RPS")
R. 18-07-003
April 11, 2022

Ruling Setting Issues and Schedule for 2022 RPS Procurement Plans and Denying Joint IOU Motion

The Commission has denied the IOU Joint Motion requesting review of the Market Offer Process through a Tier 3 Advice Letter versus its 2022 RPS Plan. The Ruling sets two schedule tracks: Track 1 sets May 2, 2022, as the IOUs' submission date for Commission review of the Market Offer Process and Track 2 sets July 1, 2022, as the submission date for the Draft 2022 RPS Plans. The Commission expects to issue a decision on Track 1 in Quarter 3, 2022. Lastly, the ruling address the issues to be address in the upcoming 2022 RPS Plans.

Procedural Schedule - 2022 RPS Procurement Plans

  • May 2, 2022 - Track 1 – IOUs jointly file Market Offer process as part of VAMO pursuant to D.21-05-030
  • 20 days from the Joint IOU proposal on Track 1 Market Offer Process - Comments on Market Offer Process
  • Within 5 days after the last day for filing comments - Reply Comments on Market Offer Process
  • Quarter 3, 2022 - Track 1 – Proposed Decision on Market Offer Process
  • July 1, 2022 - Track 2 - IOUs, Small Utilities, ESPs and CCAs file draft annual RPS Procurement Plans
  • August 1, 2022 - Track 2 - Comments on RPS Procurement Plans
  • August 1, 2022 - Track 2 - Motions requesting an evidentiary hearing (note: If a motion is filed and granted, the ALJ may need to issue a revised schedule.)
  • August 15, 2022 - Motion to update RPS Procurement Plans [note 1 below]
  • August 15, 2022 - Track 2 – Reply Comments
  • Quarter 4, 2022 - Track 2 - Proposed Decision
  • Quarter 4, 2022 - Commission votes on Proposed Decision
  • 30 days from the effective date of Adopting the Final Decision - IOUs, Small Utilities, ESPs and CCAs file final annual RPS Procurement Plans
  • 14 days after Final RPS Plan filings, unless extended by Energy Division - IOUs issue Request for Offers for Solicitations or otherwise pursue approved RPS Procurement Plan
Update Links
Ruling Setting 2022 RPS Plan Issues & Schedule (April 11 2022)
R. 18-07-003

IOUs Request that the Market Offer Process Timely Start After Voluntary Allocations


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San Diego, CA 92101