SDG&E ERRA Forecast 2022
A. 21-04-010
July 7, 2021

SDCP/CEA Filed a Motion to Compel Public Disclosure of Discovery Information

The Joint Motion seeks to compel SDG&E to withdraw certain improper confidentiality designations and publicly disclose related workpapers through discovery.

The CCAs submitted the Joint Motion in response to SDG&E’s “unreasonable and overbroad” confidentiality designations contained in two of SDG&E’s workpapers supporting the PCIA revenue requirement request. SDG&E’s confidentiality declaration accompanying the workpapers cites to multiple categories of “protected information” under D. 06-06-066, but offers no additional support for how the citations correspond to the redacted data in the workpapers.

SDG&E carries the initial burden to make a particularized showing that its confidential designations are protected underD.06-06-066 and the conclusory and ambiguous citations in the declaration fall well short of meeting this burden. Rather, D.06-06-066 indicates that the specific information at issue here should be publicly disclosed.
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San Diego, CA 92101