SDG&E Sales Forecast 2022
A. 21-08-010
February 22, 2022

SDG&E Correction to Minor Error in Forecast

In its Reply Comments on the Proposed Decision, SDG&E raised a newly discovered issue regarding the adopted sales forecast. After discovering a discrepancy between SDG&E and Cal Advocates’ forecasts, SDG&E proposed to slightly adjust forecast sales for Commercial and Streetlighting customer classes.

SDG&E discovered a discrepancy between Cal Advocates’ sales forecast proposal, as included in its testimony, and the demand forecast SDG&E developed and submitted to the CEC for the 2021 Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR) cycle (“SDG&E’s 2021 Forecast”) that was adopted in the PD as the basis for SDG&E’s 2022 electric sales forecast.

SDG&E clarifies that it intends to use the “Updated” GWh customer class breakdown as included in the chart below for purposes of implementing SDG&E’s 2021 Forecast for the year 2022 as adopted in the PD.

SDG&E states that it is bringing this to the Commission’s and other parties’ attention for purposes of transparency. Given the language in the PD, SDG&E does not believe any modifications to the PD are required to accommodate this change. The PD adopts the “SDG&E’s 2021 Forecast for the year 2022 as the basis of its 2022 Electric Sales Forecast”—it does not specifically adopt Cal Advocates Proposal as included in its testimony. However, because the PD at times equates Cal Advocates Proposal with the SDG&E’s 2021 Forecast, SDG&E felt it was necessary to clarify the issue on the record.

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San Diego, CA 92101