SDG&E ERRA Forecast 2022
A. 21-04-010
August 6, 2021

SDG&E Ordered to Update Sales Forecast in November Update

The assigned ALJ issued a Ruling directing SDG&E to provide a modified 2021 sales forecast in the November Update that reflects its current best estimate of departing load in 2022. This “2022 sales forecast workaround” is necessary to account for the fact that the 2021 sales forecast is inaccurate, and a 2022 forecast is unlikely to be approved before the November Update.

This Ruling was issued shortly after the CCA ex parte meetings with Commission staff to discuss the sales forecast issue. In this Ruling, the ALJ acknowledges that the 2021 sales forecast included in SDG&E’s application is dated and inaccurate in key respects. Further, as of the date of the Ruling, SDG&E has not yet filed its 2022 sales forecast application, making it very unlikely a new forecast would be approved by November. As an alternative to using the outdated forecast, SDG&E is directed to include a modified 2021 sales forecast in its November Update, which should reflect SDG&E’s current best estimate of 2022 load departures.

If a 2022 sales forecast is timely adopted, rates can be implemented using the 2022 sales forecast.

It is RULED That:
1. SDG&E shall file its November Update filing for this proceeding using a sales forecast based on its last adopted 2021 sales forecast that is modified to reflect is best expert forecast of the departing load expected to occur in 2022.

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845 15th Street, Suite 103
San Diego, CA 92101