SDG&E Sales Forecast 2022
A. 21-08-010
August 13, 2021

SDG&E Submitted 2022 Sales Forecast Application

SDG&E's sales forecast application seeks to update its 2019 sales forecast to reflect for load departures and other changes resulting in lower forecast sales for 2022. The application also seeks approval to submit subsequent sales forecast updates in its annual ERRA Forecast applications beginning in 2023.

SDG&E's application seeks: 

  1. approval of SDG&E's proposed 2022 electric sales forecast (“2022 Electric Sales Forecast”),
  1. authorization to file an annual, combined sales forecast and Energy Resource Recovery Account(“ERRA”) forecast by June 15 of each calendar year, and
  2. to use the system average percent change (“SAPC”) methodology to implement all rate changes resulting from a change in commodity revenue requirement that occur when 2022 bundled sales are effective.

SDG&E seeks Commission approval no later than December 16 so that the updated forecast can be incorporated into its annual consolidated AL for January 1, 2022 effective rates.

The Supporting Testimony of Kenneth Schiermeyer shows the difference between the current authorized electric sales forecast with the proposed 2022 forecast.

SDG&E's 2021 sales forecast was approved in the GRC II proceeding, which updated the authorized forecast for the remainder of 2021. Schiermeyer's testimony compares that GRC II forecast with the proposed 2022 forecast:

Update Links
SDG&E Sales Forecast Application Supporting Testimony

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San Diego, CA 92101