Renewable Portfolio Standard ("RPS")
R. 18-07-003
April 15, 2022

The IOUs Seek to Modify Track 1 Components and Schedule Relating to the Market Offer Process

The IOUs have jointly requested the Commission adopt a modified schedule of the Track 1 components contained in the 2022 RPS Plan Ruling, relating to the Market Offer process and allow the IOUs to separately develop and file Market Offer Sales Strategies Supporting Market Offer process. The IOUs argue that any filing proposing a Market Offer process will contain market sensitive information which will require confidential submissions. The IOUs also argue that a joint submittal of confidential information presents a risk of IOUs gaining a competitive advantage while participating in any IOU Market Offer process.

Proposed Modified Track 1 Schedule:
Update Links
IOU Extension Request (4/15/22)
R. 18-07-003

Commission Adds RPS-VAMO and Market Offer Process Issues to the Scope of the RPS Proceeding

R. 18-07-003

IOUs Request that the Market Offer Process Timely Start After Voluntary Allocations


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845 15th Street, Suite 103
San Diego, CA 92101